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CLIC Beam Physics Meeting

6/2-004 (CERN)



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Main Linac Pre-Alignment
Participants: E. Adli, F. Antoniou, S. Bettoni, A. Dabrowski, B. Dalena, K. Elsener, M. Fitterer, B. Jeanneret, J. Pfingstner, J.P. Quesnel, L. Rinolfi, D. Schulte, F. Stulle, R. Tomas, T. Touze D. Schulte informed that on last Friday there had been discussions on a new type of PETS with re-circulation. These might become part of the baseline design. It is hoped that drive beam parameters do not have to change. T. Touze reported on simulations of the pre-alignment of the main linac. Very promising results for the wire measurement system are obtained. The alignment accuracy does not depend on the accuracy of the reference points aligned by GPS. This might change once systematic errors are taken into account. Within the next months a workshop on alignment techniques is planned. It is hoped to find new collaborating institutes. D. Schulte pointed out that the betatron frequency increases towards the end of the linac. Hence, it is preferable to increase the wire length accordingly. It would be interesting to compare the Fourier transform of the simulated misalignments with the betatron spectrum to find similar, i.e. potentially harmful, frequencies. D. Schulte presented first beam dynamics simulations utilizing the pre-alignment results. Due to jumps in the alignment at locations where the reference is switched from one wire to another, the beam-based correction of the alignment of the RF cavities in these regions is important. B. Jeanneret showed a slide on the the optics matching between the main beam transfer line and the turn around loop.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:00 16:30
      Simulation of Main Linac Pre-Alignment 30m
      Speaker: Thomas Touze (Universite de Paris VII-Unknown-Unknown)
    • 16:30 17:00
      Impact of Pre-Alignment on Main Linac Performance 30m
      Speaker: Daniel Schulte (CERN)
    • 17:00 17:05
      Optics Matching of Main Beam Transfer Line and Turn Around Loop 5m
      Speaker: Bernard Jeanneret (CERN)