Record of QUACO functional specification and Q4 coil collaboration meeting (v 1.0) – 19/05/2016
CEA : H. Felice (HFE), D. Simon (DSM), J.M Rifflet ( Partially) JRT
CERN: A. Foussat (AFT)
Distribution list: E. Todesco, F. Savary.
AGENDA items:
- The Functional specification have been reviewed to close the related pending technical issues and check consistency with RfT document in order to submit it by 20th May.
- The eligibility criteria to Phase 2 have been revised, The award selection criteria between phases have been updated by adding a scoring to previous phase Final technical report. This will be implemented by C. Veys on Monday as the RfT is in Julia Cachet’s hand for review (phone call HFE with C. Veys on 20/05 morning).
Cable MQM and winding measurement :
- AFT to ask for the following measurement CERN data on MQM cable to constitute reference for Q4 coils:
- Critical current measurement
- Creeping mechanical measurement on cable stack
- RRR measurement values ( post annealing)
- CERN to clarify the need of annealing treatment on MQM wires and possibly the cables.
- CERN to inform about the past available results and procedure on the E-modulus measurement on MQM winding
Cable ULs to be delivered:
- CEA to confirm the length of a UL for both short (ULSM) and prototypes (ULP) and if it includes the extremities
- Short model: the request of 10 ULSMs is covered by current 4 years CEA-CERN collaboration agreement
- For two prototypes, it is requested 2 x 10 ULPs + 2 spares
- A reserve of 4 ULPs stock is recommended by both CEA and CERN in case of damage or issues during the winding of coils by contractor
Saddle and spacer material
- The radiation hard material specified at 20 MGy shall be selected by CERN and CEA by identifying if there is a need of development and qualification tests.
Cold tube integration, magnetic measurement:
- WP3 CERN to confirm the cold tube dimension in the 90 mm aperture
- An interface meeting with CERN magnetic measurement team shall be organised to review the status of large aperture mole development, the clarification if different probes are required for warm and cold measurements, the requirement on the magnetic measurement alignment system of Q4
Visit of CEA Q4 workshop
- First mock-up has been wound with Blue stone epoxy spacers. The fist layer has been cured. The second layer has been wound. Tooling is being modified to allow for second layer curing.
- Available tooling include a winding machine with rotating mandrel ( up to 3.5 m), a curing press ( up to 3.5 m)
- Two technicians are assigned onto the Q4 short model production and will be performing the modifications on the B927 collaring press and be involved in its operation;
Assembly coil hall cleanliness class:
- CERN provided the information on the “dust free” B180 winding assembly facility cleanliness of ISO 9 class, not considered as a standard clean room.
Proposed agenda items at next meeting:
- interface meeting at B927 with J C. Perez on collaring press
- Interface with conductor : past test cable measurement, cable insulation need and schedule on Q4
- Interface with magnetic measurement, availability of new large aperture probe, requirement on alignment system for Q4
- Inputs for magnetic field harmonics ROXIE calculation and status of SM CEA modelling outcomes
- Layout of Q4 quench protection
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