WP4 Coordination meeting 04

30/6-019 (CERN)



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Francis PEREZ (CELLS), Paolo Chiggiato (CERN)
    • 1
      1.Sept.2016 Milestone M4.3: Measurement setup at light source operational.

      The setup for the measurements using the Coldex experiment at the ANKA light source has been completed. A report on the setup and the program on which measurements under which operation conditions to be performed is released on the project's document management system.

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      1.Dec.2016 Milestone M4.4: Proposal of coatings to mitigate electron-cloud effects.

      A report on suggested experimental surface treatments to mitigate electron-cloud effects is released on the project's document management system.

    • 3
      1.Dec.2016 Deliverable: Periodic report 1. As required by EC H2020 rules
    • 4
      1.Apr.2017 Deliverable D4.1: Analysis of vacuum stability at cryogenic temperature.

      Description of simulation environment and assumed input parameters. Description of samples and existing prototypes used as baseline. Documentation of vacuum stability and adsorption isotherms at different beam screen operating temperature ranges from simulations and laboratory tests.

    • 19:30