TESLA Engieering Ltd. is dedicated to the design, manufacture and support of resistive and superconducting electromagnets, gradient coils, composite materials, generator coils, motors and consultancy to science, medicine and industrial markets. TESLA Engineering Ltd. in the UK consists of a Magnet Division and a Gradient Division which design and manufacture magnets including bending and focusing magnets for particle accelerators specialized gradient coils for use in MRI systems and advanced superconducting magnets for emerging markets such as nuclear fusion, renewable energy sources, semi-conductor processing and cancer therapy. |
Danfysik provides high performance particle accelerators and related equipment for research, health care and industry globally. Power supplies, magnets, insertion devices, beam diagnostics, electrostatic devices, others.... Today Danfysik has grown to be a state of the art manufacturer of advanced technology components and complete systems of high quality for the synchrotron radiation and particle accelerator markets. |
Elytt Energy is an innovative company, working in high technology projects, developing and manufacturing equipment for particle accelerators for scientific research and medical usage. Elytt Energy offers complete Resistive and superconducting eletromagnets for accelerators, power supplies, flyweels, kinetic energy storage, engineering... |
Jema IRIZAR GROUP designs and manufactures Static Power Converters for different sectors as Plasma physics, particle accelerators, MRI and renewable energy. They are customer orientated, developing bespoke systems and solutions which meet specific requirements of each project. Over 20 years, JEMA has developed several custom power supplies for most of the experimental fusion reactors in Europa, (MAST, JET, W7X, TJ-II, TCV, etc...) |
IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A.) is a global medical technology company focused on bringing integrated and innovative solutions for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. IBA's proton therapy solutions are flexible and adaptable, allowing customers to choose from universal full-scale proton therapy centers as well as compact, single room solutions. In addition, IBA also has a radiation dosimetry and radio-pharmacies business and develops particle accelerators for the medical world and industry. With Proteus system, developed in collaboration with top clinical institutions, IBA is the first company to introduce Pencil Beam Scanning, in-room CT, Cone Beam CT or Prompt Gamma Camera for clinical use in proton therapy. With Cyclone systems, IBA offers packages to manufacture radioparmaceuticals for nuclear medicine. |
Varian medical systems have pioneered developments in the fields of radiotherapy, oncology, X-ray tube technology, digital image detectors, cargo screening, and non-destructive testing. They have a robust portfolio, and long-standing relationships with many of the world's leading clinicians and manufatures of industrial and medical imaging systems. Varian's ProBeam system is at the forefront of the industry, having created the world´s first commercially available pencil beam scanning system. This is able to deliver intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT), which is recognized for its effectiveness and conformity of dose delivery. |
Sedecal, Sociedad Española de Electromedicina y Calidad S.A, was founded on January 1994 with completely spanish equity. During this time, they have had a continuous growth that has positioned as worldwide leaders in OEM design and manufacturing of high frequency X-Ray generators and X-Ray systems. Sedecal has six divisions leading their field expertise: OEM Division, medical radiology; Pre-clinical Division, PET and PET/CT; Veterinary Division, veterinary radiology; Healthcare Division, medical ozone generation; Industrial Division, industrial power control and renewable energies; Industrial Subcontracting Division, printed circuits boards, electronic systems and eletromechanical systems. |
CIEMAT is a public research body assigned to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation, focusing on energy and environment and the technologies related to them. It has offices in several different regions of Spain, and its activity is structured around projects which form a bridge between R&D&I and social interest goals. |
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CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle physics laboratory.
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EEN is a network which helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make the most of business opportunities in the EU and beyond. Have a look at the many services offered free of charge by our 600 member organisations, including chambers of commerce and industry, technology centres, universities and development agencies |
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