Chairman: Luciano Calabretta, INFN
The MEVION S250 is a proton therapy system based on a gantry mounted superconducting synchrocyclotron. The synchrocyclotron is a 250 MeV accelerator weighing less than fifteen tons with magnetic fields in excess of ten Tesla and an extraction radius of only 30 cm. The compact architecture allows delivery of high quality proton therapy without the need for beam lines, magnetic gantries or...
Superconducting cyclotrons are increasingly employed for proton beam radiotherapy treatment (PBRT). The use of superconductivity in a cyclotron design can reduce its mass an order of magnitude, yielding significant reduction in overall cost of the device, the accelerator vault and its infrastructure, as well as operating costs. Despite several decades of design effort, the magnetic...
Cyclinacs are accelerators, which combine the two leading technologies in the medical field: a cyclotron injector (the workhorse accelerator in proton therapy and radiopharmacy) and a linac booster (the accelerator type used in every medium-sized hospital for radiotherapy and radioimaging). The linac technology offers the unique potential to increase the performance of accelerators for ion...