PG1: Heavy Ion meeting



HI preparatory meeting for ECFA HL-LHC Physic sand Experiments 2016


June 8 2016


Present: Adam, Andrea, Christof, Gavin, Michelangelo, Patrick, Urs  


Short summary and next steps


- We agreed to stick to the present plans and requirements for HI after LS2 (as presented in the previous workshop) and mention that a discussion is starting within the experiments and then in the framework of LHCC and LPCC about possible adjustments 

- Michelangelo pointed out that this workshop is focused on the detectors and will be attended mainly by hardware developers; therefore, he suggested to focus on presenting the impact of the detector upgrades (of LS2 and LS3) on the physics performance

- Urs suggested to point out in the talk a few (one or two) of the hot topics (open issues) in HI and address how the upgrades will contribute to their study

- We decided to have a single talk (allocated slot is 25+5), given by an experimentalist, presumably nominated by ALICE (since the other experiments have talks on pp topics)

- The talk should take as a baseline the material presented in the previous workshop, with updates where avaiable (probably only from ALICE)

- Andrea will circulate the slides of the previous workshop, with some updates, that can be used a starting point. 

- ATLAS, CMS and LHCb will provided further input on the impact of the upgrades

- Urs will provide input on the “physics questions”

- Andrea will also contact John to check whether a) there are updates on the L_int projections since Chamonix; b) there are new on a possible Xe pilot run; c) the HI machine performance will be covered in one of the machine talks.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.