ChildCare Meeting

EVO meeting (EVO Meeting)

EVO meeting

EVO Meeting

Cigdem Issever (University of Oxford)
This is an EVO Meeting.
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ACCU presentation 2008

Attendants: Lina, Mario, Steve, Cristina, Theresa, Patricia,Cigdem

The meeting started 30min late, because EVO had technical problems and Cigdem had to book a phone meeting with CERN.

New developments at CERN:

The new DG Rolf Heuer wants a more inclusive treatment of users and staff and he also wants to improve the infrastructure for users. He asked ACCU for a priority list of things the users would like CERN to work on. In the current version of the priority list the childcare initiative is at place number 5 out of 15, which is very good. The list will be discussed this week Wednesday in ACCU and Steve McMahon commented that he will argue in the ACCU meeting  for the childcare initiative to stay at rank 5 and that it is not lowered to a lower priority. He also asked Cigdem to send an email to the initiative asking the members to contact their representatives again and making sure that the child care initiative keeps it priority or is event pushed further up.

CERN has now a new equal opportunities officer. Her name is Doris Chromek-Burckart . Cigdem talked to her on the phone last week and she got very good suggestions from her. She is supporting the initiative and will try to help us as much as she can. <st1:place w:st="on">Doris</st1:place> suggested that Cigdem should write a 1 or 2 pages long proposal with maximum 4 requirements (prioritized) to CERN which she can hand to CERN management people when she meets them.
Cigdem agreed that she will write such a proposal (see below).

We also have a new head of infrastructure at CERN. His name is Thomas Pettersson. Pauline got in touch with him and he requested from her a formal letter from the child care initiative describing what we would need and where he can find out more about the childcare situation. Pauline drafted the letter and it was sent to him on the 25.02.2009 and we will make sure that we stay in touch with him.

ACCU Priority List:

Mario send us the most up-to-date version of the list in the morning and as stated above the childcare initiative comes 5 on that list, which is very good. We discussed what will happen in the ACCU meeting this Wednesday and Steve will also ask ACCU how this list will be given to the CERN management and who the persons will be who would be in touch with CERN management or council. He thinks in case of the child care initiative Cigdem should be directly involved in the communications with CERN and not just someone from ACCU. The reasons are that Cigdem or members of the initiative are the best informed and also the most enthusiastic about this effort. Cigdem commented that she ideally would like Steve or Mario in the loop too, since they have an official mandate while she has not.

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(Note at the end of the day: According to Cristina the child care initiative was at rank 3 of the priority list which is excellent news.)

Child Care Proposal:

Cigdem reminded the group about the key results of the survey and based on these results she intends to put the following requirements into the proposal:

1) More full time places for children below 2 years for users and staff. This includes also places for users who visit CERN for >= 3 months.

According to the survey we would need at least 40 places on top of the existing facilities. 20 if you would take into account the the 20 new places in Meyrin.

2) More full time places for children between 2 - 10 years for users and staff1. This includes also places for users who visit CERN for >= 3 months.

According to the survey we would need at least 60 places.

3) The new facilities/places should be at CERN.
4) Users should get help with the costs.

The best way forward Cigdem is convinced is to ask CERN for something which is not unreasonable for CERN to come up with. She also wants to make sure that what the initiative is asking for helps to fullfill the needs of most of the people who replied to the survey.

There was a long discussion about if we should include into the proposal drop-in facilities which would take children who come to CERN for a week to a few weeks.

According to the survey 40% of the people who replied to the survey are visiting users. 32% are users who stay permanently at CERN and 25% are CERN staff (see Figure 1 of report). Out of the 40% of the visiting users, 75% come for 1 to a few weeks to CERN (see Figure 4). Assuming they need for each of these trips child care (which is not true see Figure 5) we end up with 30% of the people needing a drop in facility for one or a few weeks. Which is not the majority; it is a significant amount, but not the majority; hence Cigdem is arguing that a drop-in facility for dropping in children for a week or a few weeks should not be in the proposal for now. 70% of the people who replied to the survey need places for their children for at least 3 months. This includes users who stay permanently at CERN, CERN staff and visiting users who come for a few months.

Cigdem and Steve (and also the Equal Opportunities Officer Doris while talking to Cigdem last week) think that a drop-in facility would receive a lot of opposition from CERN and Cigdem would rather first push for things which are "traditional" and which fulfill the needs of the majority of the people who replied to the survey. Once a working relationship with CERN is established the initiative could ask for more.

<o:p>This discussion continued also offline and Pauline argued that we should put the request for a drop-in facility for a few weeks into the proposal and let CERN take it out. </o:p>

The discussion about the drop-in facility will continue at our next meeting.

Steve also suggested that the proposal should have staged approach where we don't asked for 100 place upfront but in phases and where we have a built-in reevaluation of the situation after let say 2 years.

It was also noted that it should be clearly stated that the solutions for child care need to be on a short time scale and that we can't wait for a very long time for them to be implemented. The planning of CERN needs to take that also into account.


It was mentioned that the CERN Hostel does not accept families and the reason why that is should be investigated. Mario and Steve will follow this up.

It would be good if CERN could have list of baby sitters/nannies who would be willing to do baby sitting/looking after children such that parents who come to CERN for short trips can get in touch with these nannies.

We need to find out who replaced Max Metzger.

A room for mothers at CERN was also discussed.

Next are:

1) Get in touch with Staff Association
2) Write draft proposal with the aim that the final proposal will be send to Doris, Pettersson, ACCU and Staff Association
3) Update Report
4) Next meeting 04.05 at 16:00 CERN time

1 The requirement was changed with respect to the slides on the agenda, because it was argued that one should also have places for 5 to 10 year olds. Hence the change.

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There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Impact of new developments at CERN
      Speakers: Cigdem Issever (University of Oxford), Pauline Gagnon (Indiana University)
    • 2
      Priority List of ACCU
      Speakers: Cigdem Issever (University of Oxford), Mario Campanelli (University College London), Stephen McMahon (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
    • 3
      Discussion of Draft Proposal of ChildCare Initiative
      Speaker: Cigdem Issever (University of Oxford)
    • 4
      Speaker: ALL