Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

Scenarios and Technological Challenges for a LHC Luminosity Upgrade: Introduction to the LHC Upgrade Program and Summary of Physics Motivations (1/5)

by Lyn Evans (DG Projects Office), Michelangelo Mangano (PH Department)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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After a general introduction to the motivations for a LHC upgrade, the lectures will discuss the beam dynamics and technological challenges of the increase of the LHC luminosity, and the possible scenarios. Items such as a stronger final focus with larger aperture magnets, crab cavities, electron cloud issues, beam-beam interaction, machine protection and collimation will be discussed.
Video in CDS
From the same series
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Organised by

Stefano Sgobba and Jean-Pierre Koutchouk (Scientific Sponsors), Maureen Prola-Tessaur