Open Collaboration Day at IDFW 2016*

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


385 Route de Meyrin
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Harri Toivonen (Helsinki University of Technology (FI)), Joona Juhani Kurikka (Helsinki University of Technology (FI)), Markus Nordberg (CERN), Päivi Oinonen (Aalto University), Tuuli Maria Utriainen (Helsinki University of Technology (FI)), Viljami Lyytikäinen (Aalto University)

Interested in learning about the latest developments in experimental education, passion-based learning and co-creation? Please join us!

IDFW Open Collaboration Day is an opportunity to learn about the Design Factory Global Network (DFGN), hear experts deliver keynotes on experimental education, passion-based learning, and co-creation developed with the Design Factory (DF) model, learn the DF ways of working in a hands-on ideation workshop together with CERN Ideasquare stakeholders, and to visit one of the Large Hadron Collider experiments to learn about the particle physics research conducted at CERN. 

The 5th annual *International Design Factory Week (IDFW 2016) brings Design Factory Global Network (DFGN) members from five continents to CERN Ideasquare in December 2016. IDFW2016 creates the opportunity for Design Factories and their partners to immerse in the development of the experimentation culture and to make tangible plans for collaboration for the following year.

What is the Design Factory Global Network (DFGN)?

Design Factory Global Network is a network of innovation hubs in universities and research organisations currently established in five continents. DFGN's mission is to create change in the world of education, learning and research through passion-based culture and effective problem solving. Shared understanding and common ways of working enable Design Factories in the network to collaborate efficiently across cultures, time zones and organisational boundaries fostering socially and globally relevant new product ideas and radical innovation.

Design Factory Global Network

What is a Design Factory?

Design Factory is first and foremost a shared understanding of how to support and spark innovation. Design Factories bring together students, professors, researchers, business practitioners and public sector representatives alike, to create an engaging, passion-driven learning culture and to open up opportunities for continuous experimentation. Every Design Factory is a space, place and a mindset to enable serendipitous interactions between different stakeholders, to provide capabilities for hands-on prototyping in developing ideas and to engage users in the development process to take projects fast forward.

What do we do?

We provide problem based learning experiences for students with end user driven real life challenges and industry projects. For students, it is a safe environment to experiment and show their potential in making innovation happen. For businesses, NGO's and public sector, Design Factories offer an environment for finding and realising new ideas together with top future talent, leading scholars and other companies. Researchers have the opportunity to conduct interdisciplinary research together with industry partners and public sector representatives.

Examples of student courses that we offer and support:
Product Development Project (PDP) -
Challenge Based Innovation (CBI) -
ME310 Global Design Innovation / Sugar Network -

What is CERN Ideasquare?

Ideasquare is an innovation experiment that brings together physicists, engineers, industrial partners, early-stage researchers and cross-disciplinary teams of students to work together on detector upgrade R&D technologies funded by external parties such as the EU framework programs. The purpose is to co-develop new technologies for research purposes, and at the same time, create a fruitful environment for new product ideas and innovation. Ideasquare is part of the Design Factory Global Network, to develop ways to combine research, education and technology to solve interesting societal challenges.


    • Open Collaboration Day: CMS Experiment Visit (optional) 3179/R-E06



      Show room on map
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      385 Route de Meyrin
      Show room on map
    • Open Collaboration Day: DFacts talks, followed by networking 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      385 Route de Meyrin
      Show room on map
      • 1
        Welcome words, introduction

        Welcome words presented by Kalevi Ekman, Director of Aalto University Design Factory, and Markus Nordberg, Head of Resources Development, CERN Development & Innovation (RCS-PRJ-DI)

        Speaker: Markus Nordberg (CERN)
      • 2
        Design Factory model - empowering students for passion-based learning

        How do we inspire people to engage in development efforts? To persist in the long path of turning ideas into reality? To benefit from others’ expertise in doing so? In seeking answers to these questions, we’ve come to embrace a holistic development approach we call passion-based co-creation. Rather than being a method, or even a set of specific methods, it reflects a collection of overall principles and ways of working of how one can go about creating a sustainable basis for improvement and creative work. Presented by Kalevi Ekman, Director of Aalto University Design Factory

        Speaker: Prof. Kalevi Ekman (Aalto University Design Factory)
      • 3
        The Power of Restlessness

        In Design Factory world, students come first, second and third. We all love pedagogical development and innovation, we are always searching for disruptive methodologies and practices, and we all love to experiment with new ways of learning. Yet, passion-based learning heavily depends on the students’ inner motivation and restlessness may well be the one driver that teachers can’t actually control. Rui Coutinho, the Fire Starter at Porto Design Factory explores us to see there’s an extraordinary power to it.

        Speaker: Mr Rui Coutinho (Porto Design Factory, Politecnico do Porto)
      • 4
        Does collaboration need to change? Coaching for innovation

        “A coach is someone who evokes passion and purposes in others, within the dissolving and reconstituting environments of our time” Frederic Hudson, 2012. Our world is constantly changing, and navigating increasingly complex human and technological systems requires collaborative team capability rather than individuals to respond in innovative ways. In this talk Dr. Christine Thong, Academic Director of Design Factory Melbourne, explores the experimental use of coaching to foster innovation cultures.

        Speaker: Dr Christine Thong (Design Factory Melbourne, Swinburne University of Technology)
      • 5
        How to help global teams to succeed

        Virtual collaboration brings additional challenges to co-located co-creation, concentrating on the effects that virtual collaboration has on nine key design activities, such as reframing the problem or concept specification. In this talk Tuuli Utriainen and Joona Kurikka, Researchers and Student Course Coordinators from CERN Ideasquare also present an exercise that teams can run in the beginning of their projects in order to better anticipate challenges later on.

        Speakers: Joona Juhani Kurikka (Helsinki University of Technology (FI)), Tuuli Maria Utriainen (Helsinki University of Technology (FI))
      • 6
        Culture for creativity

        Innovation and creativity can best flourish in the right circumstances in an organization, and the assumptions, values and norms of the organization will either nurture or constrain creativity and innovation depending on how they influence the behavior of individuals and groups. In this talk Paivi Oinonen, Strategist at Design Factory Global Network (DFGN) will explore the experience of Aalto Design Factory in creating an environment that supports creativity and innovation.

        Speaker: Ms Päivi Oinonen (Design Factory Global Network (DFGN))
      • 7
        Key co-creative building blocks for innovation ecosystem success

        Input is needed from stakeholders to build innovation ecosystems, with ecosystem players being interdependent. In her talk Pauliina Mattila, Coach at Design Factory Melbourne argues that engaging and co-creating on several levels of the ecosystem requires shifting from transactional collaboration to a more co-creative process.

        Speaker: Ms Pauliina Mattila (Design Factory Melbourne, Swinburne University of Technology)
      • 15:45
        Networking and refreshments
    • Open Collaboration Day: Workshop for new ideas and student projects 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Show room on map
      • 8
        Interactive workshop for new ideas and student projects in 2017

        Do you have an interesting problem or challenge, linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and for which a multidisciplinary student team could contribute for, in a meaningful way? Let's build a co-creation project together. For additional info on the workshop, please contact