eInfrastructures meeting on EGI transition

600/R-002 (CERN)



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Phone conference: Dial-in numbers: +41227676000 (English, Main) Access codes: 0119757 (Leader) 0129730 (Participant) Leader site: https://audioconf.cern.ch/call/0119757 Participant site: https://audioconf.cern.ch/call/0129730 Confirmed participants Bob Jones (EGEE) Steven Newhouse (EGEE) Florida Estrella Cainglet (EGEE) Maite Barroso (EGEE) Juergen Knobloch (EGI_DS) Federico Ruggieri (EUMedGrid, EUChinaGrid) Bernard Marechal (EELA2) Philippe Gavillet (EELA2) Marco Paganoni (EUAsiaGrid) Confirmed participants by phone Guiseppe Andronico (EELA2, EUMed, EUAsia...) Ognjen Prnjat (SEEGrid) Åke Edlund (Baltic Grid) Ludek Matyska (EGI_DS) Apologies Alberto Masoni, Roberto Barbera
    • 11:00 11:10
      Introduction 10m
      - Goals of the meeting - Round table introduction of participants
    • 11:10 11:30
      Status of March proposal submissions 20m
      - Brief overview of each relevant proposal submitted (abstract) - Timelines for successful March project proposals start- up and relevance for EGI
    • 11:30 11:40
      Timelines for Autumn proposals 10m
      - Latest information about the Autumn’09 relevant EC calls
    • 11:40 12:15
      Presentation on EGI model for interaction with other regions. 35m
      - Model as defined in EGI blueprint and draft D3.2 document (attached) - Timelines for the publication of the D5.5 transition document - Discussion
      Speaker: Juergen Knobloch
      EGI Blueprint
    • 12:15 13:30
      Lunch break 1h 15m
      - Self service cafeteria (Restaurant 2) next to IT building in CERN
    • 13:30 13:50
      EGEE lessons learnt on regional interactions 20m
      - Not a presentation of EGEE but rather how EGEE interacts with other regions and what lessons have been learnt
      Speaker: Maite Barroso-Lopez
    • 13:50 14:20
      Chain proposal discussion 30m
      - Overview of the latest version of the CHAIN document
      Speaker: Federico Ruggeri
    • 14:20 15:30
      Discussion 1h 10m
      Here are some provocative questions that are seen as relevant for EGI to drive the discussion (please suggest additional questions): - Is the ROC model the appropriate one? This is a very European view, what steps will be taken to include partners from other regions?- Assuming that the ROC model is the right way to go; Why are all ROCs led by European partners? Should these ROCs be hosted in Europe or in the other regions? - Is the level of interaction and scale of deployment equal in each region? - Are the active user communities in each region similar or completely different? - What changes are needed in the CHAIN vision or implementation model? - What is the overlap between March’09 proposals and CHAIN? Key questions for current projects – Are the issues encountered in each region the same? - Kind of issues encountered - User Communities support - Level of interaction/deployment - Current status of interoperability - Collaboration with CIS region: Will this be included? Existing collaboration with CIS countries: Armenia (EGEE, SEE-GRID-SCI), Azerbaijan, Belarus (BalticGrid-II), Georgia (SEE-GRID-SCI), Kazakhstan (EGEE), Kyrgyzstan (?), Moldova (SEE-GRID-SCI), Russia (EGEE), Tajikistan (?), Ukraine (EGEE), Uzbekistan (EGEE)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Conclusions and round-up 30m
      - Actions and Decisions - Next steps - CHAIN document update - Agreement on regions and partners (political issues) - Points for EGI to include in D 5.5
    • 16:00 16:05
      End of the meeting 5m