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42nd WP8 Bi-weekly meeting (2016-11) [VAX, TAS Removal]

530/R-030 - BE-EA Conference Room (CERN)

530/R-030 - BE-EA Conference Room


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Follow-up of integration: VAX lay-out without BPM, services routing Review of TAS installation scenarios (LHC)

Attendance: C. Adorisio (HSE-RP), S. Evrard (EN-EA), D. Brethoux (EN-EA), M. Raymond (EP-ADO), A. Gaddi .  (EP-CMX), D. Patrzalek (EN-EA), P. Santos Diaz (TE-VSC), Lukasz Piotr Krzempek (TE-VSC), D. Mergelkuhl EN-ACE). 

S. Evrard announced 3 coming meetings: ECFA in Aix-les-Bains in early October, CMAC 17-19 October where the second joint LIU/HL-LHC C&SR will take place and the collaboration meeting in Paris in November.  A. Gaddi reminded that the VAX chariot should be available in LS2 to be installed when the vacuum beam pipe will be modified in CMS.  

L. Krzempek presented the last version of the VAX region layout without BPM underlying the reduction of # of valves and pumping lines.  The distance between TAS wall and valve flange is now 1556 mm, the same for CMS and Atlas.  He gave the Smarteam numbers of the various drawings under discussion.  

S. Evrard presented the TAS removal study based on slides prepared with D. Brethoux. The easiest way is to remove TAS from the experiment side @ Atlas and CMS. C. Adorisio will evaluate the dose rate of TAS + cradle and Cradle alone based on 10 days of decay after beam stop.  

M. Raymond suggested to use a push/pull system for installing the new TAXS + cradle in the mono bloc.  He also checked on ATLAS LS3 schedule when the TAS could be accessible and extracted. In case the extraction is done at the beginning of the opening process, it could start after 7 calendar days from the beam stop (this does not take into account a possible Heavy Ion run).  In case the extraction is done at the end of LS3 it would be more or less after 730 days of cooling time.

A. Gaddi explained that in order to remove TAS, the central detector should be closed and the HF in garage location (the study should be corrected accordingly).    C. Adorisio will also evaluate the dose rate of TAS + top shielding plug and top shielding plug alone based on 10 days of decay after beam stop.  

D. Patrzalek eventually presented the result of his Ansys calculations on the VAX chariot structural strength.  The structure is safe taking into account the current assumptions with a safety factor of 10.

Reported by S. Evrard

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