NuFact 2016 SPC



    • 14:00 14:01
      minutes and action list 1m
    • 14:01 14:11
      Proposal for discussion of nufact workshop frequency 10m
      Speakers: Takashi Kobayashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)), Takashi Kobayashi (KEK)
    • 14:11 14:26
      preparations for NUFACT17 15m
      Speaker: Tord Johan Carl Ekelof (Uppsala University (SE))
    • 14:26 14:36
      status of program and plenary speakers invitations 10m
      Speakers: Takashi Kobayashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)), Takashi Kobayashi (KEK)
    • 14:36 14:41
      status of abstracts and participants 5m
      Speaker: Jacques Dumarchez (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
    • 14:41 14:46
      status of round table panelists 5m
      Speaker: Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))
    • 14:46 15:01
      status of joint sessions 15m
    • 15:01 15:06
      status of parallel sessions WG1 5m
      Speakers: Alexander Himmel (Fermilab), Francesca Di Lodovico (University of London (GB)), Mark Hartz
    • 15:06 15:11
      status of parallel sessions WG2 5m
      Speakers: Gabriel Perdue (Fermilab), Hidekazu TANAKA (University of Tokyo), Marco Martini
    • 15:11 15:16
      status of parallel sessions WG3 5m
      Speakers: Ben Freemire (Illinois Institute of Technology), Chris Densham (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)), Jingyu Tang (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
    • 15:16 15:21
      status of parallel sessions WG4 5m
      Speakers: Angela Papa, Craig Group, Hai-Bo Li (IHEP)
    • 15:21 15:26
      status of parallel sessions WG5 5m
      Speakers: Pilar Coloma (Fermilab), Sanjib Agarwalla, Walter Marcello Bonivento (INFN Cagliari)
    • 15:26 15:36
      minutes and actions 10m
      Speaker: Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))