WLCG throughput call
Throughput Meeting --- October 27, 2016
Attended: Andy, Shawn, Veronique Lefebure (CERN IT/CS), Hendrik, Saul, Horst, Enrico, Frederic, Duncan, Marian
0) Agenda review/update, News
pS 4.0 RC1 was released, testbed instances to be updated, issues reported with pScheduler
NA and European throughput calls merged.
pre-GDB on networking will take place January 10th (https://indico.cern.ch/event/571501/)
LHCOPN/LHCONE workshop next week (session on evolution, slides attached in indico)
OSG datastore incident post-mortem (https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Operations/PerfSONARDataStoreRCA)
1) perfSONAR/infrastructure status
3.5.1 Frederic reported broken link for SLAC reverse testing, Andy mentioned that this is 3rd party tool, they'll try to ping them.
3) Focus topics: WLCG Network Evolution slides and Network Analytics report from Hendrik
Marian asked for feedback on the attached network evolution slides to be presented at the LHCOPN/LHCONE workshop.
Hendrik presented initial results comparing perfSONAR and router flow data for certain links in LHCOPN.
Long discussion on the details of the router flow and possible explanations of what was shown. NB. later on it was confirmed that router throughputs come from 2 CERN routers, thus incoming/outgoing traffic shows incoming/outgoing counters of the corresponding router.
4) Round-table: Items to discuss?
MIT and RAL tickets still open, RAL have upgraded the router and the loss has improved.
5) AOB and next meeting: Next meeting after CHEP