STEP is the new CCRC. Scheduled for (May/)June 09.
CMS: STEP09 plans:
– Need to test analysis at high scale including stage out of
products to destination T2 (chaotic stage out, any T2
permutation allowed)
• Requires deployment of efficient stage‐out handling of the analysis
infrastructure (CRAB server)
– Backup: introduce more complicated user workflows requiring two steps
(analysis with local stage‐out, merging with WAN stage‐out)
– Need to stress test user access to conditions via Frontier at T2’s
• Various user workflows (private MC production, partial rereconstruc
tions, skimming, ... ) might access conditions information
• Test how the T2 Frontier systems and the global master Frontier servers
cope with analysis load at scale
– If requested, analysis load can be increased to required scales
for multi‐VO tests
Scope: increase scale of analysis at T2’s to 150k‐200k jobs/d
– test user stage‐out scenarios at scale
– test Frontier system behavior
Current CMS status overview:
LHCb: STEP09 plans:
Mainly T1 work.
ATLAS: Expects all supporting sites to be available for STEP09. Plans:
Data distribution:
- Test the full ATLAS data placement model including tape (RAW) writing: T0 tape, T0->T1 (disk), T0->T1(tape), T1->T1 (disk),T1->T2(disk)
- run calibration data distribution 4x T0->T2 (disk)
- All T2’s must participate unless they sign out (before May 15)
Simulation production:
- HITS production in T2’s and upload to T1’s
- 15,000 jobs/day exclusively in Tier‐2’s
- Merged AOD’s distributed to other clouds T1->T1’s and T1->T2’s
- Merged ESD’s and AOD’s distributed to other clouds (T1->T1’s and T1-> T2’s)
- Other VO issues
-- camont plan to do more processing - please support the activity (see next item)
-- Please support more EGEE VOs and requested all sites to consider enabling a few new VOs! (Examples EUMEDGRID, EELA) - yes we still need to update the GridPP supported VOs page.
-- Any new issues in this area?