Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

30 January 2017 to 1 February 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Experience with running Owncloud on virtualized infrastructure (Openstack/Ceph) (continuation of talk at C3 2016)

31 Jan 2017, 18:20


Christian Schnidrig (SWITCH) Simon Leinen (SWITCH (CH))


Owncloud is quite popular among sync & share service providers. As the name implies, Owncloud was build with home users in mind. It can run on devices as small as a raspberry pi. At the same time this product is also sold to service providers who support with one single Owncloud instance more then 20k users. This already being an astounding achievement, it is not yet good enough. Service providers would need Owncloud to scale up to 100k users or even more.

At the CS3 in Zürich 2016, we presented our service SWITCHdrive. A sync & share service based on Owncloud which we run ontop of our IAAS offering (SWITCHengines) based on Openstack/Ceph. We discussed its advantages but also its limitations.

This year we will present how the service evolved. It grew quite a bit and we replaced the database (from PostgreSQl to Galera cluster). We'll talk about the motivation for that change and what our experience was.
There is still one major pain point left: the NFS servers. We are currently addressing that problem and we will explore possible solutions in our talk.

Primary authors

Christian Schnidrig (SWITCH) Simon Leinen (SWITCH (CH))

Presentation materials