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Deployment team

EVO - GridPP Deployment team meeting

EVO - GridPP Deployment team meeting

Jeremy Coles
- This is the weekly DTEAM meeting - The intention is to run the meeting in EVO: Join the meeting in the GridPP Community area. - The phone bridge number is +44 (0)161 306 6802 (CERN number +41 22 76 71400). The phone bridge ID is 24864 with code: 4880.
    • 11:00 11:45
      Experiment problems/issues - STEP09 focus 45m
      Review of weekly issues by experiment/VO - LHCb - CMS - ATLAS - Other - Experiment blacklisted sites: check on sites in this state - Site performance -- Site observations ******************* Tier-2s - Server headnodes (recommendations) loads vs throughput - Tuning issues for DPM - LAN bottlenecks - Failing jobs - Job efficiencies - Fairshare issues - UK job distributions Tier-1 (liaison items) For guidance only: 1. Move to new machine room 2. Operational status and issues (Gareth) 4. Recent developments and plans 5. Fairshare scheduling policy (Matt) 6. Resource Usage (Matt) o Batch farm occupancy o Job efficiencies o Fairshare targets/usage o Resource deployments 7. Any actions to follow up? - Tools and cross-checks
    • 11:45 12:10
      ROC update 25m
      ROC update *************** From the EGEE ops meeting: Nothing to report. From the site reports: RAL sBDII problems. Fro the PMB: A request to verify site contact information in the GOCDB. From the PMB: Clarify status of top-level BDII deployment Discussion: Can we simply swing the DNS alias to an alternate tBDII (see what happens). WLCG update ***************** There is a pre-GDB on storage support at CERN today. The agenda is here: On Wednesday there is a GDB. The agenda consists of a number of regular update items plus a short review of STEP09 so far and a summary of HEPiX. Duncan will be the T2 rep. Ticket status *************** 40624 - DN publishing. In progress. 48353 - ATLAS-ECDF. Issue with file access.
    • 12:10 12:15
      AOB 5m
      - ROD review meeting on Thursday at 14:00.