The workshop, taking place in the framework of the CERN neutrino platform, will review the state of the art in TPCs and other detectors required to build the challenging near detectors for the future.
In order to match the increasing systematic precision required for future long baseline oscillation experiments, near detectors are submitted to increasingly stringent requirements to match the far detector response in performance and solid angle. Also they have to provide the cross-sections and other ancillary measurements that are necessary for the analysis of neutrino oscillations.
The T2K ND280 detector is based on active targets surrounded by TPCs and
calorimeters; in view of T2K phase II, a study to upgrade it with new TPCs is ongoing, with the aim of minimizing dead regions and maximizing the acceptance.
Near detectors using high pressure TPCs have also been suggested for T2K/HyperK and DUNE: they might provide sufficient mass to gather a number of neutrino interactions that can be examined in great detail and provide important input to model nuclear effects.
Workshop overview page:
Organising Committee:
Alain Blondel (Univ. Geneva)
Stefania Bordoni (CERN)
Gabriella Catanesi (INFN - Sez. Bari)
Jocelyn Monroe (RHUL)
Marzio Nessi (CERN)
Federico Sanchez (IFAE)
Masashi Yokoyama (Univ. Tokyo)
Marco Zito (CEA/Saclay)