THE Port Hackathon: final presentations
80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor
The 3rd edition of the Humanitarian Hackathon organised by THE Port and hosted by IdeaSquare will culminate with a final presentation at the end of a 60 hours process of innovation on the 16th of October (18:00 – 19:30)
Humanitarian Hackathons organised by THE Port have demonstrated that fundamental science can provide tech-enabled responses to urging humanitarian issues. This year, eight teams will innovate the way humanitarian organisations handle the most critical aspects of field work during a 60 hours event. Groups of experts from all over the world will provide out-of-the-box proposals to tackle challenges set up by the ICRC, Handicap International, the United Nations and other international institutions. The call for advancement covers different areas of humanitarian interventions ranging from particular medical issues to logistic aspects of refugee protection.
The outcome of the innovation process will be revealed to the public on the 16th of October (6:00 PM – 7:30 PM) at the Globe of Science and Innovation; registration for the Final Presentations is now open. Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle, Director for International Relations at CERN, will open the event. Tarun Sarwal (ICRC), Paul Vermeulen (Handicap international) and Olivier Delarue (Global Humanitarian Lab) will give reactions to the presented opportunities.