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HSE Technical Seminars

Management of radioactive waste from Medicine, Industry and Research (MIR) in Switzerland

by Hans-Frieder Beer (PSI, Villigen)

40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie (CERN)

40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie


Show room on map
ABSTRACT: The Swiss radiation protection ordinance names the Paul Scherrer Institute as the place in Switzerland where the waste from MIR has to be collected, conditioned and stored in an interim storage facility, the Bundeszwischenlager (BZL). An overview will be given about the waste management at PSI with emphasis on the activities of the Dismantling and Waste Management Section. Starting with a short comparison between PSI and CERN the Dismantling and Waste Management Section will be presented, followed by a short history of waste management at PSI. The administrative way is presented how to describe the waste and its conditioning to get the acceptance by the NAGRA, the final disposer, and the approval by the ENSI, the Swiss nuclear safety inspectorate, to start the practical conditioning. The available means and equipment at PSI and the waste treatment option are presented. The collaboration with the ZWILAG facility is mentioned and the conditioning options of special wastes are discussed. An impression about the changing future perspectives and the answer on this is also part of the presentation. The presentation will be finished with some short ideas about the collaboration between CERN and PSI, the involvement of ENSI and the waste management costs. Please note that M. Beer will be available after the seminar for discussion with all members of the audience who are interested in more details