Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

18–22 Sept 2017
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Anatomy of Azimuthal Angle correlations in Large and Small Systems - Why the fuss?

21 Sept 2017, 15:30
Main Lecture Hall (Główna Aula)

Main Lecture Hall (Główna Aula)


Roy Lacey (Stony Brook University)


Azimuthal momentum anisotropy measurements are pervasive at RHIC and the LHC. However, there are widespread misconceptions as to the mechanistic origin of this anisotropy in both small and large systems.
In this talk, I will demonstrate how recent momentum anisotropy measurements for a broad range of systems, can be leveraged to gain new mechanistic insights and to constrain the properties of the medium produced in these collisions. In particular, the respective roles of final state effects versus initial state momentum domain effects in explanations of the measurements, will be addressed.

Primary author

Roy Lacey (Stony Brook University)

Presentation materials

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