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18–22 Sept 2017
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Europe/Warsaw timezone

D meson production and long-range azimuthal correlation in 8.16 TeV p+Pb collisions with ATLAS

Not scheduled
Karolina Lanckorońska Hall (catering during the poster session in the PAU’s courtyard)

Karolina Lanckorońska Hall (catering during the poster session in the PAU’s courtyard)


Qipeng Hu (University of Colorado Boulder) ATLAS Collaboration


Measurements of production of prompt charm mesons (D0 and D) and
azimuthal correlations between inclusive D
and charged particles are
presented in p+Pb collisions data at 8.16 TeV collected in 2016 by
ATLAS. The prompt charm meson production is measured in minimum bias
p+Pb data, reconstructed via two decay channels: D0->K+pi and
D->D0+pi->K+pi+pi. The production asymmetry between forward and
backward center-of-mass rapidities for the charm mesons is studied for
the range of |y
| < 0.5, and no significant asymmetry is observed. In
the D-hadron correlations, the pT of identified D is more closely
related to the pt of primordial heavy quarks, relative to the
measurement of their decay muons. A finite elliptic harmonic
coefficient for inclusive D* and charge particles have been extracted
with a significance of one to two standard deviations, depending on
multiplicity, broadly consistent with what have been observed for
light hadrons and muons from heavy quark decaying.

Primary author

Qipeng Hu (University of Colorado Boulder)


ATLAS Collaboration

Presentation materials

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