18–22 Sept 2017
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Jet probes of the initial state at the LHC

22 Sept 2017, 09:30
Main Lecture Hall (Główna Aula)

Main Lecture Hall (Główna Aula)


Anne Marie Sickles (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))


Proton-nucleus collisions have been studied to provide baseline measurements for hard processes in heavy ion collisions. Extensive measurements have been made of the jet production rates, the properties of the jets and the correlation between pairs of jets and other related observables. One motivation for these measurements is to quantify the modification of the parton distribution functions inside nuclei from those of the free proton. In addition, these measurements have also put constraints on modifications to jet properties in proton-nucleus collisions compared to proton-proton collisions and are potentially sensitive to novel effects such as gluon saturation at very low momentum fractions in the nucleus. This talk will provide an overview and interpretation of the latest results on jet measurements in small collision systems at the LHC.


Anne Marie Sickles (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))


ATLAS Collaboration

Presentation materials