IOP Half-day Meeting on "Proton Structure at the LHC"

HEP seminar room, Cavendish laboratory

HEP seminar room, Cavendish laboratory

Cambridge, UK
The purpose of the meeting is to engage the wider UK (LHC) experimental community with the UK's "pdf experts" to identify topics of mutual interest, in particular: (i) the importance of a detailed knowledge of pdfs for precision SM and BSM LHC predictions and measurements, and (ii) what can we learn about pdfs from LHC measurements, and (iii) how can the UK community best contribute to these topics. The programme will be a mix of talks and time for discussion. We hope that non-experts will attend, and become interested in working on this topic. Please email James Stirling ( to register, and indicate if you would like lunch (served from 1pm).
  • Abdollah Mohammadi
  • Alan Martin
  • Albert de Roeck
  • Andy Buckley
  • Andy Parker
  • Are Raklev
  • Cooper-Sarkar Amanda
  • David Ward
  • Eram Rizvi
  • Francesco de Lorenzi
  • Graeme Watt
  • James Ferrando
  • James Stirling
  • Jan Kretzschmar
  • Kristin Lohwasser
  • Liliana Teodorescu
  • Mark Sutton
  • Max Klein
  • Richard Ball
  • Robert Thorne
  • Ronan McNulty
  • Sam Whitehead
  • Sarah Livermore
  • Shears Tara
  • Shehu AbdusSalam
  • Un-Ki Yang
  • Zhaofeng Liu
    • 13:00 14:00
      lunch 1h
    • 14:00 14:30
      Introduction to Pdfs at hadron colliders 30m
      Speaker: Dr Robert Thorne (UCL)
    • 14:30 15:00
      Pdf studies in ATLAS 30m
      Speaker: Amanda Sarkar (University of Oxford)
    • 15:00 15:30
      Pdf studies in CMS 30m
      Speaker: Albert De Roeck (CERN)
    • 15:30 15:40
      tea 10m
    • 15:40 16:10
      Pdf studies in LHCb 30m
      Speaker: Dr Tara Shears (UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL)
    • 16:10 16:30
      The NNPDF project 20m
      Speaker: Richard Ball (Nuclear Physics Laboratory)
    • 16:30 16:45
      Pdf studies at LHeC 15m
      Speaker: Max Klein (Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik Zeuthen)
    • 16:45 17:30
      Discussion 45m