26–29 Sept 2017
Nagoya University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

= this is for the contributions =
Submission for contributions talks is closed.
Only abstracts of invited presentations are accepted.

= this is for the invited speakers =
We assume about 30 min for each presentation including discussion.
If you prefer longer or shorter presentation, please inform your preference. Longer presentation is basically allowed for the review of experimental group(s).

Please select relevant subject(s) from the list below:

  • multiplicities, energy measurements in forward region and very forward jets
  • BFKL and saturation
  • total cross section, low mass and soft diffraction
  • medium mass diffraction and the structure of Pomeron
  • Exclusive diffraction and BSM physics
  • heavy ions at RHIC and LHC
  • forward spin asymmetry
  • cosmic ray
  • hardware and future projects
The call for abstracts is closed.