26–29 Sept 2017
Nagoya University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

On the one loop γ(∗)→qq¯¯γ(∗)→qq¯ impact factor and the exclusive diffractive cross sections for the production of two or three jets

29 Sept 2017, 13:45
ES (Nagoya University)


Nagoya University

Nagoya University (Higashiyama Campus), Chikusa, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan


Renaud Boussarie (IFJ Krakow)


We present the calculation of the impact factor for the γ(∗)→qq¯¯γ(∗)→qq¯ transition with one loop accuracy in arbitrary kinematics. The calculation was done within Balitsky’s high energy operator expansion. Together with our previous result for the γ(∗)→qq¯¯gγ(∗)→qq¯g Born impact factor it allows one to derive cross sections for 2- (one loop) and 3-jet (Born) difractive electroproduction. We write such cross sections for the 2 and 3 jet exclusive diffractive electroproduction off a proton in terms of hadronic matrix elements of Wilson lines. For the 2-jet cross section we demonstrate the cancellation of infrared, collinear and rapidity singularities. Our result can be directly exploited to describe the recently analyzed data on exclusive dijet production at HERA and used for the study of jet photoproduction in ultraperipheral proton or nuclear scattering.

Relevant topics multiplicities, energy measurements in forward region and very forward jets, BFKL and saturation


Andrey Grabovskiy (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU)) Dr Samuel Wallon Lech Szymanowski Renaud Boussarie (IFJ Krakow)

Presentation materials