Decay angular distributions of K* and D* vector mesons in pion-nucleon interaction

13 Mar 2017, 18:30
Seminar Room (Bad Honnef)

Seminar Room

Bad Honnef

Topic 3: Theoretical Constraints on Amplitude Analyses Session


Dr Sangho Kim (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)


We discuss production of vector $K^∗$ and $D^∗$ mesons in $\pi^− p$ interaction
with their subsequent decay into pseudoscalar $K + \pi$ and $D + \pi$ mesons,
respectively. Our consideration is based on modified quark-gluon string model
which includes spin variables and allows to determine decay distributions
of the outgoing pseudoscalars. These distributions are sensitive to the vector
meson production mechanism and can be used for its determination. We find the
relative importance of vector-meson Reggeon exchange to others for the cross
sections. Result of present study may be used in projects of future experimental
programs with the pion beams (for instance, at J-PARC facility).


Dr Sangho Kim (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)


Prof. Yongseok Oh (Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University) Prof. Alexander Titov (Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR)

Presentation materials