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Colliding ideas for cancer therapy

Cosenor's House, Abingdon
Ceri Brenner (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Roger Barlow (University of Huddersfield (GB))

A workshop bringing together STFC and CERN physicists with the clinical
community to present relevant recent work, find common ground and identify
cross-disciplinary collaborative research opportunities for improving
radiotherapy. Topics covered include accelerator design, novel imaging and
detector technologies together with routes for radio-sensitisation.

Colliding Ideas for Cancer Therapy
  • Ceri Brenner
  • Roger Barlow
    • 10:30
    • Macroscopic Developments: Presentations 1

      Big technology - possibilities for new accelerators, detectors and other hardware. What are the upcoming developments? And how can they be rolled out to hospitals, forreal clinical use.

    • 12:30
    • Macroscopic Developments: Presentations 2

      Big technology - possibilities for new accelerators, detectors and other hardware. What are the upcoming developments? And how can they be rolled out to hospitals, forreal clinical use.

    • 15:00
    • Macroscopic Developments: Discussion

      Big technology - possibilities for new accelerators, detectors and other hardware. What are the upcoming developments? And how can they be rolled out to hospitals, forreal clinical use.

    • Microscopic Developments: Presentations

      Developments in our understanding of what goes on at the cellular level. Radiotherapy, chemotherapy and their combination. What role can the pharmaceuticals industry play?

    • 11:00
    • Microscopic Developments: Presentations 2

      Developments in our understanding of what goes on at the cellular level. Radiotherapy, chemotherapy and their combination. What role can the pharmaceuticals industry play?

    • 13:00
    • Microscopic Developments: Discussions

      Developments in our understanding of what goes on at the cellular level. Radiotherapy, chemotherapy and their combination. What role can the pharmaceuticals industry play?

    • 16:00
    • Discussion: Conclusions