The mission of the Accelerator Project for Upgrade of LHC (APUL) is to participate and contribute to the LHC upgrade program. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in collaboration with Brookhaven National Laboratory proposed to deliver sub-systems for the Phase I Upgrade of the LHC. Deliverables consist of two major components:
1. Cold Powering Systems (CPS) which provide power to IR magnets, Corrector magnets and D1 magnets in 4 locations (IP1R, L and IP5R, L). Each of the four systems consists of up to 120m long superconducting power transmission lines and Distribution Feed Boxes with Current Leads.
2. Superconducting large aperture (180 mm) separation dipole magnets (D1).
In this seminar we will give a short overview and status of the overall APUL project and give a more detailed description of the CPS proposal.