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ROOT Team meeting

32/1-A24 (CERN)



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    • 11:00 11:20
      Round Table discussion 20m
      Discussion of 5.24 release status
      Release Notes ============= -ready? core ==== -problem with TFileMerger reported at Forum -problem with xml (savannah) -port to OpenSolaris (still keeping old solaris) i/o trees ========= -should be stable by now (Philippe?) -problem with Dzero to be fixed (TBranchRef?) -ambiguity with TEventList/TEntryList (ownership) -protection with STL emulated containers -interface to THnSparse cint ==== -situation with cint7/genreflex (working?) -support for LCIO code (static const + bitset) proof: ====== -status? any new dev before release? -new version of xrootd (needed by Alice) -prooflite for Windows -xrootd authentication for windows (update needed) math: ===== roofit/roostats =============== -will roostats branches go to the trunk? tmva ==== -expecting a new version before June 15 graf2d ====== -why TPadGL not yet in trunk (as option of course) -gl to image: see Onuchin mail -gl5d: waiting a fix from Timur -grafviz interface: systematically postponed, becoming urgent -see: CyberWit, Inc. -Olivier to organize a mini workshop about graphics quality + new ideas graf3d: ======= -integration with TPadGL: status Matevz to coordinate gui === -what about event-recorder files for all packages? ->Bertrand Savannah: ========= pcanal: 28/148 - axel 27 - rdm 17 + couet 15 + moneta 12 = ganis 11 = russo 6 + Documentation ============= -print 200 copies of Users Guide for summer students (Olivier) -I/O description requested (LC and DPLTA workshops) AOB ====