3rd ATTRACT TWD Symposium in Detection and Imaging (Tripolis)
Other Institutes
Following the successful TWD Symposiums in Barcelona and in Strasbourg
the 3rd TWD focuses specifically on sensor-related data acquisition, computing, software and system integration.
The event will take place at the facilities of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Peloponnese in Tripolis.
It seeks answers to the following questions: What new path breaking technologies or concepts could be developed and used by 2025 for scientific instrumentation? What will they represent for industry, business and society?
The ATTRACT Consortium (www.attract-eu.org), in collaboration with ERDIT (http://erdit.eu/), EPS TIG and University of Peloponnese, organizes this 3rd TWD Symposium to inspire new ideas, to help efforts for finding resources to fund new breakthrough ideas in detection and imaging.
For hotels, please consult: http://cern.uop.gr/attract2017/accommodation
Please note that a shuttle service will be available, on 30 May, at 17:00, from Athens Airport to Tripolis and on 1 June, at 12:30, from Tripolis to Athens Airport.
Please consult the Information Package for Speakers on the Barcelona pages
to prepare your contribution.
Alexandros Kaloxylos
Andreas Maras
Aristotelis Kyriakis
Christian Broennimann
Christos Tryfonopoulos
Costas Karafasoulis
Costas Vassilakis
David Sarphie
Emmanuel Tsesmelis
Enrico Gamberini
Georgios Lepouras
Giovanna Lehmann Miotto
Ioannis Moscholios
John Wood
Konstantinos Masselos
Manolis Wallace
Marc Schneider
Markus Nordberg
Maurizio Boscardin
Michael Krisch
Nectarios Benekos
Nikos Platis
Pablo Garcia Tello
Ralf Hendrik Menk
Spiros Skiadopoulos
Stavros Katsanevas
Theodora Papadopoulou
Tony Hey
Vassilis Poulopoulos
Youlia Ilieva Krasteva