Aug 14 – 25, 2017
US/Pacific timezone

Estimate CIB Contamination in $\kappa-y$ Cross-Correlation

Not scheduled
ROB Patio (SLAC)

ROB Patio



Mr Ziang Yan (UBC)


This study is basically a noise analysis in an existing result. We reconstructed a $y$ map using NILC method to null CMB and galactic dust signal. We then constructed a CIB-subtracted $y$ map. We estimated the fraction of CIB contamination in the $\kappa-y$ cross-correlation in the reconstructed $y$ map by comparing the cross correlation signal in the two $y$ maps. The result suggest that The result suggests that $\kappa-\mathrm{CIB}$ contributes $7.75\%\pm5.21\%$ with only $1.87\sigma$ significance. So the reconstructed $y$ map is not significantly contaminated by CIB.

Primary authors

Mr Ziang Yan (UBC) Dr Alireza Hojjati (UBC) Prof. Gary Hinshaw (UBC) Prof. Ludovic van Waerbeke (UBC)

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