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ISEF students at CERN

from Sunday 28 June 2009 (12:00) to Thursday 2 July 2009 (10:00)
CERN (Various locations)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
28 Jun 2009
29 Jun 2009
30 Jun 2009
1 Jul 2009
08:30 Transfer from hotel to CERN   (Globe)
09:00 Introduction to CERN - Wolfgang Von Rueden (CERN)   (Globe of Science and Innovation)
10:30 CERN shop   (Bldg 33 - bldg 6)
11:00 Introduction to Accelerators - Roland Garoby (CERN)   (6/2-004)
08:30 Transfer from hotel to CERN   (14/4-030)
09:00 Physics at the LHC - Sergio Bertolucci (CERN)   (14/4-030)
10:00 Introduction to LHC experiments - Markus Nordberg (CERN)   (14/4-030)
11:00 Tour of Atlas experiment exhibition - Markus Nordberg (CERN)   (Atlas Building)
08:30 Transfer from hotel to CERN   (513/R-070 - Openlab Space)
09:00 Antimatter and visit of experiment - Michael Doser (CERN)   (513/R-070 - Openlab Space)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 Computing at CERN - Wolfgang Von Rueden (CERN)   (513/R-070 - Openlab Space)
12:00 Arrival   (Train Station)
13:00 Transfer to hotel - check-in   (Residhome)
15:00 Hike in the Jura mountains   (Various locations)
18:00 Informal Get-Together   (Hotel La Mainaz)
18:30 Dinner at La Mainaz   (Restaurant)
21:00 Transfer from La Mainaz to hotel   (Restaurant)
12:00 CLIC - Introduction and visit - Jean-Pierre Delahaye (CERN)   (6/2-004)
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
15:00 Particle Detectors - David Barney (CERN)   (513/R-070 - Openlab Space)
16:00 Visit of a CMS Detector Lab - Archana Sharma (CERN)   (bldg 184)
17:30 Finish the day at the pool next to CERN   (Pool + Restaurant)
18:30 --- Dinner ---
20:30 Transfer from "Le Squash" to Hotel   (to Prevessin)
12:00 Transfer to Prevessin lab 2   (Restaurant 3)
12:15 --- Lunch ---
13:45 Walk to CCC   (bldg 874)
14:00 Presentation and tour of CERN Control Centre - Laurette Ponce (Unknown)   (874/R-018 - salle de réunion activité CCC)
14:30 Transfer to CMS experiment   (CCC to CMS)
15:00 Guided tour of CMS experiment - Tejinder Virdee (CERN/Imperial College)   (CMS experiment Cessy)
16:00 Transfer to downtown Geneva   (Place Bourg du Four)
17:00 Geneva City Centre   (Downtown Geneva)
19:00 --- Dinner ---
21:00 Transfer from Geneva to hotel   (TBD)
12:00 Visit of the Computer Centre   (513/R-070 - Openlab Space)
12:30 --- Lunch with journalists at the Caravelle (restaurant 2) ---
14:30 CERN openlab - Mr Francois Fluckiger (CERN)   (513/R-070 - Openlab Space)
14:55 CERN-Intel Collaboration - Andrzej Nowak (CERN)   (513/R-070 - Openlab Space)
15:15 Restricted: Round table on education with press - Melissa Le Jeune   (513/R-070 - Openlab Space)
15:15 Students walk to main building - Julien Leduc   (Main Building)
16:00 Students meet young openlab researchers - Julien Leduc   (Restaurant 1)
17:00 Join summer student reception   (Restaurant 1)
20:00 Transfer from CERN to hotel   (Prevessin)