25 Years of Octave: Recent Developments and Future Directions
GNU Octave development began in 1992. Now, 25 years later, the project is more active than ever before. This talk will touch on the history of the project, significant recent developments, and plans for the future.
GNU Octave is a free-software scientific programming language with a powerful mathematics-oriented syntax that is largely compatible with Matlab. It includes built-in plotting and visualization tools and can run in GUI mode, as a command-line application, or invoked as part of a shell script. Octave runs on a wide variety of systems, including GNU/Linux, macOS, BSD, and Windows.
About the speaker
John W. Eaton is the original author and current maintainer of GNU Octave. Although trained as a chemical engineer, his primary professional interests are software development and free software.
This presentation is a keynote speech given within the framework of the "Octave Conference 2017" event, taking place at CERN on March 20-22, 2017.
John Evans and Melissa Gaillard, IT Department - Andrea Latina, BE Department