DevOps toolchains are transforming Modern IT, but hackers can undermine their benefits through poorly implemented or vulnerable DevOps tools. Chris Gates and Ken Johnson will share their collaborative attack research into the technology driving DevOps. They will share an attacker?s perspective on exploiting DevOps organizations and the countermeasures these organizations should employ.
About the speakers
Ken Johnson, CTO of nVisium, has been hacking web applications professionally for 8 years. Ken is both a breaker and builder and currently leads the nVisium product team. Previously, Ken has spoken at DerbyCon, AppSec USA, AppSec DC, AppSec California, DevOpsDays DC, LASCON, RubyNation, and numerous Ruby, OWASP, and AWS events. Ken is currently investing his time between OWASP’s Railsgoat, Elxir and Go, as well as all aspects of AWS offerings.
Chris Gates has extensive experience in network and web application penetration testing, Red Teaming and Purple Teaming. Chris is currently learning to be a part time fixer instead of full time breaker. In the past he has spoken at the United States Military Academy, BlackHat, DefCon, Toorcon, Brucon, Troopers, SOURCE Boston, Derbycon, LasCon, HashDays, HackCon, Bsides ATL, IT Defense, OWASP AppSec DC, and Devops Days. Chris is also a cofounder of NoVAHackers.
Sebastian Lopienski and Miguel Angel Marquina - IT Department
CERN Computing Seminars and Colloquia