Presentation materials
The installation of scintillating pad detectors (Herschel), in the LHCb detector along the beamline, have significantly enhanced the LHCb sensitivity to central exclusive production. Additionally, dedicated triggers during the early measurement period of Run 2 produced an extended CEP dataset. A summary of results from Run 1 as well as early results from Run 2 will be shown.
Studies of diffractive events at H1 and ZEUS detectors at HERA are presented.
These studies include: Production of exclusive dijets in diffractive deep
inelastic scattering (DIS); Exclusive ρ 0 meson photoproduction with a leading
neutron; Measurement of D ∗ meson production in diffractive deep inelastic
scattering; Diffractive photoproduction of isolated photons; Measurement of
RHIC can probe low-x partons in nuclei in p/d+A collisions at forward rapidities,
where non-linear QCD effects are expected to set in. So far no clear experimental
observation of the onset of gluon saturation has been made. Di-hadron/jet
correlations and ratios of hadrons yields in p+p and p/d+A collisions at forward
rapidities can be linked to modifications of nuclear parton...
We review the analytical description of Froissart saturation condition in a transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution function of a self-similarity based proton structure function F_{2}(x,Q^{2}) at small x. Saturating the Froissart bound refers to an energy dependence of the total cross-section rising no more rapidly than ln^{2} s, where s is the square of cms energy. Our...
This talk will describe recent results from CMS on very forward jets in CASTOR, jet gap jets and Mueller Navelet jets as a possible sign of BFKL dynamics.
After recalling briefly the BFKL NLL fits t the HERA forward jet data, we will describe how jet gap jet events at the LHC can be a good observable to look for BFKL resummation effects. We will discuss the full NLL BFKL calculation of such processes
The total pp cross section is a fundamental property of the strong interaction which can not be calculated in perturbative QCD but only described based on phenomenological models.
The ATLAS collaboration has measured the total inelastic proton-proton cross section and the diffractive part of the inelastic cross section at 13 TeV in special data sets taken with low beam currents and using...
In this talk, we will describe the Electron-Ion Collider project and the physics that can be done.
This talk will discuss recent CT-PPS results concerning exclusive di-lepton production and prospects for future measurements concerning anomalous couplings.
This talk will cover TOTEM results on soft diffraction (total, elastic and inelastic cross sections) as well as the CMS/TOTEM results.