
6/2-004 (CERN)



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Umut, Raul, Pierre, Dominik, Pierre, Fabien, Xiangcong, Yanliang, Edu, Andrea

  • Cafer: writing the thesis
  • Umut: redesigning the driver injector linac to optimize the filling factor vs beam stability
  • Raul: Trying to match the projected emittance. But the longest traveling bunch, experiences the largest emittance growth
  • Pierre: introducing imperfections in his ATF2 simulation, and implementing 
  • Dominik: Managed to track the photons from PLACET in the detector model in Geant-4. Run some guinea-pig guinea-pig++ background simulations for the detector.
  • Fabien: he is progressing in the "tuning"-driven design optimization of the 3 TeV and 380 GeV Lattices
  • Xiangcong: Progressing in the simulations of the CLIC Decelerators to Main Beam cross-talks
  • Yanliang: Finalizing the paper on the BBA results
  • Edu: Focusing on the preparation of a talk on CLIC as a gamma-gamma collider
  • Andrea: Recently focused on the ELENA simulations of symplecitc tracking
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