24–27 Sept 2017
Europe/Budapest timezone


Student Registration for ICOMP 2017

Registration fee
Contact info
icomp@szfki.hu, please use descriptive subject

This form aims to maintain most of the details of the registration process including badge data, finalization of presentations and payments.

The early registration fee is to be paid by bank transfer.

From within Europe, please transfer the correct amount to
Account holder: Wigner Research Centre for Physics
IBAN: HU15 1003 2000 0173 1134 0000 0000
Please write "ICOMP" and participant name in the message/narrative field.

For transfers from overseas,
Account holder: Wigner Research Centre for Physics
IBAN: HU15 1003 2000 0173 1134 0000 0000
Bank: Magyar Allamkincstar
Please write "ICOMP" and participant name in the message/narrative field

Account required to register
In order to register for this event you have to be logged in.