NExT Meeting at Sussex (10 May 2017)

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - 10:30 AM
University of Sussex (Fulton B)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
May 10, 2017
10:30 AM Steering committee meeting   (Fulton 113)
12:00 PM --- Lunch ---
12:45 PM Introduction - Daniel Litim (University of Sussex)   (Fulton B)
1:00 PM New trends on dark matter - Malcolm Fairbairn (Kings College London)   (Fulton B)
1:30 PM Collider signatures of asymptotic safety beyond the SM - Andrew Bond (University of Sussex)   (Fulton B)
2:00 PM --- Coffee ---
2:30 PM New results from LHCb on lepton flavour non-universality - Konstantinos Petridis (University of Bristol (GB))   (Fulton B)
3:00 PM On lepton flavor non-universality - Sebastian Jaeger (University of Sussex (GB))   (Fulton B)
3:30 PM --- Coffee ---
4:00 PM Highlights and developments at the LHC Higgs frontier - Bill Murray (University of Warwick (GB))   (Fulton B)
4:30 PM Vector-like Quark production at the LHC, beyond the Narrow Width Approximation - Dermot O'Brian (University of Southampton) dermot obrien (University of Southampton)   (Fulton B)
5:00 PM Composite Higgs models after Run 2 - Jack Setford (University of Sussex)   (Fulton B)