21 July 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Speaker's short bio:

Manuela Cirilli holds a PhD in Particle Physics and a Master in Science Communication and Journalism. Between 1997 and 2010, she worked on the NA48 and ATLAS experiments at CERN; she then joined CERN’s Knowledge Transfer Group, where she is now leading the Medical Applications Section. In parallel to her scientific career, Manuela has gathered more than 12 years of experience in science communication and popularisation, for a variety of audiences and stakeholders of all ages. She is also a teacher and coach in science communication, science writing, and public speaking.

Marthe Dehli holds a Master’s degree in Business Development and Technology Management. She did her thesis on hackathons as a ground for creating start-ups, a case study of THE Port at CERN. She has been involved with several start-up companies, now she holds the position as Entrepreneurship Development Officer in CERN’s Knowledge Transfer Group.

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
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