The development of an API on the phonebook (needed especially for the mobile app) is currently not foreseen by AIS, but is considered a valuable addition, should be added to the needed resources for the mobile app development.
Maps: more information will be available after a meeting with Youri Robert on 5th May.
Maps information
Targeted geo-information is desirable
closest bus-stop (should be easy)
next bus at location (according to established time table / realtime information)
Should be implemented as a very basic feature if space allows
Mobile App vs Web App
The default implementation will be a reactive web app
A mobile app would nicely complement it, but should focus on features with added value on mobiles: map system, notifications and mobility info. the rest could be redirected to the reactive web app.
Needed resources to be evaluated as part of the detailed design.
A legal disclaimer will be needed on the semantic search page.
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