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Solid/GridPP software meeting

    • 13:00 13:30
      Software: Git to CVMFS 30m
      • to use both solid sites effectively the solid software needs to migrate to CVMFS
      • automated software upload to CVMFS (from git ?)
      • time line
      • tracking of issues (for this project that is): wiki ?

      • user education (dirac)

    • 13:30 14:00
      Storage 30m
      • Registering the current solid data in the dirac file catalogue
      • This means moving the existing data to a file path compatible with dirac (probably best done directly on dCache)
      • Ensure new data is registered to the file catalogue
      • How large is the current solid data set ?
      • Should we have a copy at Imperial ?
      • Again: Time line, tracking of progress