Session 10
- Randy Ruchti (University of Notre Dame (US))
Fast hadrons have been observed to cause a cumulative damage in Lead Tungstate and LYSO crystals. The underlying mechanism has been proven to be the creation of fission tracks, which act as scattering centers, thus reducing the light collection efficiency. For calorimetry applications in an environment where large, fast hadron fluences are anticipated, predictions about damage in crystals are...
One crucial issue for applications of scintillation crystals in HEP calorimeters is radiation damage in severe radiation environment, such as the HL-LHC. While radiation damage induced by ionization dose is well understood, investigations are still on going to understand radiation damage caused by hadrons, including both charged hadrons and neutrons. In this paper, we report investigations on...
Irradiation environment of experiments to be considered at novel colliders will be harsh enough to limit the long term maintenance of homogeneous detector calorimeters. This will occur due to accumulation of the damage caused by various effects, particularly due to hadron component of irradiation environment. Non-homogeneous calorimetric detecting cells, consisting of absorber and low-volume...
In this talk, we present studies on the longevity of both the current and potential alternative active materials to be used in the backing hadronic calorimeters of the CMS detector for the High Luminosity LHC upgrades. We will also present a proof of concept data-driven method to systematically extrapolate dose rate dependent model parameters from high dose rate regime (0.3 to 500 krad/h in...