S. Gleyzer - ACAT summary
(incomplete summary here, please also see slides and conference homepage)
- started of as a machine learning conference series in the past and became more general data analysis conference series. Now returned to focus on ML.
- many applications of ML:
- end-to-end learning (go directly from detector response to event class, w/o reconstruction)
- GANs for simulation (faster than running full GEANT simulations)
- track reconstruction (CNN in trigger, RNN for tracking)
- pile up removal with CNN to correct pile up in jet image
- flavour tagging
- trigger applications (lookup table for pT regression BDT, cf. last IML meeting, cat boost)
- particle identification with XGBoost
- Analysis tools
- histogrammar by diana: parallelize event loop with spark
- Root's TDataFrame: use declarative language rather than low level event loop, let framework optimize evaluations, caching, …
- Root improvements in I/O (compression, parallelization), new TMVA features, web technology for graphics.
- Questions
- Was there anything on reinforcement learning?
- A. possibly in one of the posters
- Comment (Sergei): In the summary I left out the GAN for simulation talk by S. Vallecorsa.
T. Golling - Hammers and nails
(incomplete summary here, please also see slides and conference homepage)
- Title "Hammers and nails" refers to Machine Learning as a big hammer technology to tackle various problems, nails being the particle physics problems
- minutes kept on google docs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y7cE8qVp6xyKdlWzaBqD81_Otvf5YPhHcjlybtURKbU/edit#
- with break out sessions on white/black boards
- ideas for new concepts in HEP:
- use GAN and VAE to infer w/o likelihood building in between
- Adversarial examples
- image recognition algorithms can "easily" be tricked into misclassifying an image (without changing it to the human viewer)
- usable to trick voice recognition to transfer money
- examples are "crafted", arguable if a detector would spit them out in HEP
- discussion on autonomous driving
- should AI be taught the rules of the road or learn them just by observation
- (what about interaction with human drivers and when it's okay to break the rules)
- probabilistic programming
- goal is to learn a generator which learned its rules.
- examples of generators which can generate "normal looking trees" or "stable structures"
- Questions:
- It seems there was very little on classical signal/background classification (Enrico Guiraud)
- That was a feature of the topic selection for the summary.
- The classical examples of how to generate adversarial inputs require internal knowledge of the NN that is "attacked" shouldn't that hinder fraud
- That was discussed, it appears adversarial examples are highly portable in the sense that an adversarial example for one network
- will also be adversarial for different networks for the same task
G. Kasiecka – Boost summary
(incomplete summary here, please also see slides and conference homepage)
- Boost is a workshop about advances in jet physics, e.g. heavy object tagging
- See also the machine learning slides in the boost exp. summary talk: https://indico.cern.ch/event/579660/contributions/2496143/attachments/1496921/2330050/Boost17_ExpSum.pdf
- Many talks about classification, but also one each on GANs and pileup
- Classification contributions (see slides for details and references)
- "color" jet image for quark/gluon jet classifications
- "Colors":
- charged pt
- neutral pt
- charged particle multiplicity
- Deep NN and colors improve significantly at high pt (~ 1 TeV)
- The method is stable if trained on Herwig or Pythia.
- q/g tagging in ATLAS
- Similar technique as in the previous contribution, applied to ATLAS.
- But some dependence on the MC used for training seen here
- b-tagging
- new idea: look at changes in hits multiplicity between subsequent layers in the tracking detector
- Machine Learning in CMS
- Comprehensive talk, but one highlight selected for this summary:
- the DeepJet architecture
- multi-class classification using recurrent networks chained to a fully connected one
- Top-taggers
- Use constituents 4-vectors, but keeping some of the spirit of the image approach
- Similar performance to the image approach with calorimeters, but performs better than images with particle flow: no need to pixelate.
- Boosted top and WW with Atlas
- GAN for jet simulation
- Pile-up mitigation with Machine learning
- Color image used to estimate jet variables removing contributed
- pt of all neutral particles
- pt of charged from primary vertex
- pt of charged from secondary vertex
- Outputs a single channel image: pT of neutral particles from primary vertex
- Questions
- Where there news on Boosted Higgs? discussions, but no major update with ML
- Universal multi-class classification? in progress, mentioned in some contributions
- What a ML expert with no experience in physics should do? Re-use a publicly available data set is a good way to start
- Trainable linear combinations in the Deep learning top tagger, why? Different weighted sum can give access to e.g. the mass of the top or reconstruct the W
M. Paganini - CVPR Summary
(incomplete summary here, please also see slides and conference homepage)
- It's mostly a computer vision conference, organized by IEEE, over 4000 participants
- Selected contributions potentially relevant for HEP presented in the summary
- Some interesting trends discussed in slide 5
- DenseNets
- Resnet: allow to skip any one layer in the network
- Densenets:
- allow to connect any layer with any other layer (not just skipping one)
- size of the layers grows at each step
- bottleneck introduced to reduce feature sizes
- Advantages (See slide 14 for complete list)
- strong gradients
- All features learned are used for prediction, simple features in the first layer survive to the last layer.
- Slide 18: Using Knowledge Graphs for classifications
- idea is that ML method identifies elements in the images, but ultimate object which we want to identify is not any one of these particular elements,
- if we have a graph which maps the relation between elements and the final class, we may be able to identify the object we want to tag better
- Example: want to identify some heavy resonance, but our tagger will identify daughters of this object
- Use knowledge graph to infer class from tagged elements
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