Single electron signals in liquid xenon detectors and their impact on sensitivity to MeV dark matter and neutrinos.
I will briefly talk about our new method of reducing errors of lattice calculation and show our preliminary results of nEDM using this method.
Next generation detector technology at future neutrino experiments are driven, in large, by the search for sterile neutrinos. In addition to their main research program, these experiments are sensitive to a number of rare neutrino physics processes. Neutrino trident production is one such process, which sees an incoming neutrino incident on a nucleus produce an outgoing neutrino and two...
Improve sensitivity of the XENON1T dark matter detector by computationally tracking and cutting background ion decays, specifically those of the Rn222 decay chain.
How long does it take XENON1T detector to say that we can detect pp solar neutrinos?
The dilepton final state offers great sensitivity to the existence of new heavy bosons that would be visible as a peak in the invariant mass distribution of the two leptons. In this talks, results of a search for new physics in this final state will be discussed, with a focus on recent extension of the interpretation in different models of new physics.
The hadron spectrum contains many states which do not fit in the quark model description of hadrons. In this talk, I will discuss some phenomenological methods in identifying the nature of these exotic states. We use fundamental principles of scattering theory to model hadronic processes and test these methods against experimental data.