Afternoon Session 1
- Christopher Crawford (University of Kentucky)
Richard Hill
(Fermilab / University of Kentucky)
16/09/2017, 13:00
Gabriel Magill
(Perimeter Institute and McMaster University)
16/09/2017, 13:40
Next generation detector technology at future neutrino experiments are driven, in large, by the search for sterile neutrinos. In addition to their main research program, these experiments are sensitive to a number of rare neutrino physics processes. Neutrino trident production is one such process, which sees an incoming neutrino incident on a nucleus produce an outgoing neutrino and two...
Tatsu Takeuchi
(Virginia Tech)
16/09/2017, 14:00
Abigail Kopec
(Purdue University)
16/09/2017, 14:20
Improve sensitivity of the XENON1T dark matter detector by computationally tracking and cutting background ion decays, specifically those of the Rn222 decay chain.
Fan Zhang
(Purdue University)
16/09/2017, 14:30
How long does it take XENON1T detector to say that we can detect pp solar neutrinos?