Journée SHiP/Physique du secteur caché

Amphithéâtre Georges Charpak (LPNHE Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie Paris-6)

Amphithéâtre Georges Charpak

LPNHE Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie Paris-6

Campus Jussieu Tour 22 4, place Jussieu F 75252 Paris Cedex 05 France
Jacques Chauveau (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Andrei Golutvin (Imperial College London)

The goal of the meeting is to present in France, to particle physicists, a description of the physics case of SHiP at a new CERN-SPS beam dump, the progress the experiment has made since it has been proposed, the schedule, in a context while the particle physics program is being prepared for the next decade. The support of the GDR InF is very much appreciated.

Please register early to help with logistics. Eduroam will enable wifi connection in the auditorium. It will be possible to follow the sessions remotely via vidyo by using the SHiP_France virtual room (sesame is 3030).

A convivial dinner is foreseen in a nearby restaurant (at the expense of each participant) if enough people indicate that they would join by noon on Monday October 9. Here are the directions to reach the restaurant from campus.

Directions to reach the LPNHE and get around it are here.

  • achille stocchi
  • Alexandre Rozanov
  • Andrey Golutvin
  • Aoife Bharucha
  • Bernard Andrieu
  • Bernard Julia
  • Boris Popov
  • Claude Vallee
  • Costas Bachas
  • Daniel Treille
  • Dominique Breton
  • eric van herwijnen
  • Fayet Pierre
  • Florian Nortier
  • Francesco Polci
  • Francois Vannucci
  • Gaia Lanfranchi
  • Georges Vasseur
  • Gregorio Bernardi
  • ioannis giomataris
  • isabelle cossin
  • Jacques Chauveau
  • Jean-Michel Levy
  • Jean-Pierre DIDELEZ
  • Joachim Ebert
  • Laurence Marquet
  • Maalmi Jihane
  • Maksym Titov
  • Maurice Benayoun
  • Mikhail Shaposhnikov
  • Oliver Lantwin
  • Patrick Robbe
  • Pilar Hernandez
  • Richard Jacobsson
  • Rémi Cornat
  • Sacha Davidson
  • Vladislav BALAGURA
  • Walter Marcello Bonivento