Monday meeting
1/ HCAL extended barrel - dimensions
Slides by Ana - size of the gap between barrel and extended barrel in ATLAS is ~10 cm smaller than in FCC. Ana proposed to decrease the size in the FCC. This could be very difficult because of the ~10x more channels in FCC than in ATLAS. Decided to keep it as it is now.
Slides by Coralie - proposal of extending the size of the HCAL extended barrel by 30-50 cm in z-direction -> This will help to enhance the amount of active material in the pseudorapidity region 1.5 - 2.0. Agreed, Werner and Ilaria will be informed. It will be shown at the next FCC-hh detector meeting
2/ Longitudinal segmentation in ECAL
Agreed that the 1st layer will be 2 cm, the next 7 layers will be of the same size (9 cm).
Smaller size of cells in R in the first layers does not help against pile-up, as we sum the whole tower for e/gamma reconstruction. We also don't expect that it has an effect in the jet reconstruction.
3/ Abstracts for CHEF
One abstract for ECAL and one for HCAL created - it is in the FCC leaflet.
Martin discussed with Werner. Werner would prefer one general talk about the FCC-hh detector and one about calorimeters. Martin will follow up with the organizers of the conference what is the preferred option.
4/ Outline for the CDR
First version in FCC leaflet, to be discussed.