An NJL-type three-flavor quark model with a complete set of explicit chiral symmetry breaking terms is extended to accommodate spin 1 mesons upon bosonization. The bosonized Lagrangian is analyzed up to quadratic order in the
meson fields. Analytic relations between spin 0 and spin 1 meson masses are obtained. The vector mesons are shown to play a major role in the model's predictions for the...
The effects of external magnetic fields on the phase diagram structure of QCD are studied. We use NJL-type models to investigate the impact of magnetic fields on both chiral and
deconfinement phase transitions. We focus on possible consequences of the Inverse Magnetic Catalysis effect on Critical-End-Point (CEP).
The LHC provides unique datasets gathered by colliding different hadron species at different energies. These rich data are explored towards shedding light on the QCD mechanisms of hadroproduction and suppression. We present a selection of related measurements performed in the heavy flavour sector.