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Physics Cases and Instrumentation for the EURISOL-DF, next step towards Eurisol

Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

Av Rovisco Pais, 1049 001 Lisboa, Portugal.
Lidia S. Ferreira - Chair (CeFEMA/Instituto Superior Técnico), Berta Rubio - Co Chair

The meeting, organized by the Eurisol Users Group, will be held at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, on the 15th and 16th of November, 2017.

The EURISOL-DF, is an initiative to form an intermediate step on the way towards the ultimate EURISOL facility in the future, in which three main ISOL facilities in Europe, SPIRAL2/GANIL, SPES/LNL, and HIE-ISOLDE/CERN, will offer a part of its infrastructure to conduct research related to the EURISOL project. This will be done together with the partner facilities, ALTO/IPN Orsay, JYFL/Jyväskylä, and the consortia in Belgium and Poland.

The purpose of the meeting is to foster discussions within the topics we proposed in the past in the framework of EURISOL:

“The formation and structure of r-process nuclei”
"Physics and astrophysics of neutron deficient nuclei"
“Physics of Light Exotic Nuclei”
“Going to the limits of mass, temperature, spin and isospin with heavy Radioactive Ion Beams”
"Probing fundamental symmetries and interactions with RIBs”
“Innovative Instrumentation for EURISOL-DF”.

  • Adam Maj
  • Alessia Francesca Di Pietro
  • Angela Bonaccorso
  • Angela Mecca
  • angelo pagano
  • Anu Kankainen
  • Ari Jokinen
  • Berta Rubio
  • Bogdan Fornal
  • Daniel Cano Ott
  • Daniel Galaviz Redondo
  • David Gareth Jenkins
  • David Joss
  • David Verney
  • Didier Beaumel
  • Emmanuel Clément
  • Enrico Maglione
  • Fadi Ibrahim
  • Franco Camera
  • Gabriele-Elisabeth Koerner
  • Gerda Neyens
  • giovanni casini
  • Giuseppe Verde
  • Iain Moore
  • Igor Cherednikov
  • Jérôme Giovinazzo
  • Lucia Popescu
  • Luis M Fraile
  • Lídia Ferreira
  • Marek Lewitowicz
  • Maria Jose Garcia Borge
  • Marius Eichler
  • Mattia Manzolaro
  • Michal Ciemala
  • olivier sorlin
  • Paramasivan Arumugam
  • Pedro Vaz
  • Philippe CHOMAZ
  • Piet Van Duppen
  • Rabia shaheen
  • Raquel Crespo
  • Raul Fernandes Luís
  • Ricardo Manuel Dos Santos Augusto
  • Riccardo Raabe
  • Robert Page
  • Sara Pirrone
  • Stefano Corradetti
  • Sylvie Leray
  • thomas thuillier
  • Tommi Eronen
  • Yorick Blumenfeld
  • Yuriy Romanets
The agenda of this meeting is empty