Joint conference:
40emes Journees des Actinides & 2nd Workshop on Actinide Targets
Cern Orientation |
Poster |
Template for abstracts |
The first International Joint Workshop combining the 40th edition of “Journees des Actinides” and the 2nd Workshop on Actinide Targets, will take place from the 27th March 2010 to 1st April 2010 at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Topics covered include:
Nuclear fuel cycle, environment
Inorganic and organometallic chemistry
Theory, electronic structure
Strongly correlated behaviours; superconductivity and quantum criticality
Materials science, nanomaterials
Actinide production and handling
Fission products and Radioactive Ion Beam Yields
Radiation protection
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15th February 2010